●お出迎え →手洗い →スナックタイム、自由遊び →ゲーム →プリンセスが来る →ケーキ →帰り
●Hello, how are you?
●Thank you for coming! See you in two hours.
●Can you take off your shoes?
●I’ll get your jacket.
●Let’s wash your hands first.
●Help yourself snacks.
●Who wants snacks?
●Let’s do the game!
●I’ll explain the rules.
●Decide the order by lottery.
●Let’s get started!
●Who’s gonna be the first?
●You can do it!
●You did it!
●Good luck!
●Let’s try!
●Today we gonna have a special guest! 【プリンセスを外注】
●Guess who? 誰だと思う?
●Are you excited to meet the princess?
●Let’s eat cake!
●Who wants cake? 【世界共通!物でつる作戦☆】
●Make a wish. 【ロウソクを消す前の定番フレーズ。】
●Do you like it?
●Are you done? もう終わり?食べ終わり?
●I like your dress.
●I like your costume.
●Did you have fun?
●Be gentle please. 優しくね。
●Are you OK?
●Stop it.
●Let’s take turns! 順番子しよう!
●You can use this for 10 seconds, then ○○ will use this next. Ok?
●Home time! 帰る時間よ!
●Your mommy (daddy) is coming.
●Your mommy is here. ママ来てるよ/来たよ。
●Your mommy has come.
●Could you get Helena? I cannot manage her. Please come in! 【楽しすぎて子供が帰りたがらない時にはママ/パパにヘルプを頼みましょう◎】
●Thank you so much for coming.
●Hanna had so much fun.
お読みくださりありがとうございます^_^ 必要な方に届きますように📝
良かったらこちらも💁♀️ www.nonstress.xyz